Hola Beautiful People!
Hola you beautiful person you! My name is Shervyse and when I was a little girl wearing bo bo's, rocking that blue magic hair grease, I stood in my hallway and had a heart to heart with God. I told him, " I don't know what I'll do when I grow up, but whatever I do, I want to help people." In every thing that I aspire to do, and all that I am, is a woman who loves God and loves people, and desires to help anyway she can. It took me a while to appreciate my smile. Once I did, I couldn't stop smiling! I love to make people smile and laugh. If you're down, I'm gonna encourage you. If you're feeling overwhelmed, I'm gonna make ya laugh til your sides hurt. If you think you're unloved, I'm gonna pull you close and tell you not only does Jesus love you, but I do too!
I married this sexy, intelligent, strong, kind, hilarious, rocket scientist, named Thomas; my best friend...with benefits 😉 We have three awesome hilarious sons who are 11, 9, and 7! I'm pretty much a Bohemian Lady from the Hood. If I'm not earthing in my yard sipping on green juice, I'm binge watching interviews....Yeah I'm a geek for an interview. My head is full of a bunch of random facts about people I've never met! I enjoy all things art, from music to painting, to writing and cinematography. If you're in the search for something to add light and a smile to your day, welcome to the Smilin Light Family! Encouragement Christian Walk Homeschooling