One day you wake up and you’re 34 years old thinking, oh snap like you’re an adult, adult! Ha! I have my days where I still feel 17 and then I have my days where I have random pain, in a random part of my body, and I’m like Am I secretly a senior? Anyways, ya girl is 34! Well I turned 34 back in June and forgot to post about it lol. Every year I like to reflect on lessons I’ve learned and I thought it would be a great time to share five of those lessons with you!
Lesson 1: Go To Therapy! If you think you need therapy, you do. If you think you don’t need therapy, you definitely do! Lesson 2: Self Care Does Not Have To Cost! When we think about self care we often think of getting our hair and nails done, using facial masks and sitting in a candle lit room in comfy clothes. Self Care to me has become doing whatever makes me feel happy, calm, relaxed, and free from distractions. I want to free you from the idea that you must spend money to do Self Care, because what ends up happening when funds are low is, we think Oh no, there goes my Self Care. I want to challenge you: Think about something you enjoy just for the benefit of making you smile, that is completely free, and do it this week! Don’t find time, make time! Lesson 3: Write The Damn Book! Ok, language I know lol, but seriously, write that damn book! We all have a story and your story may be just the story someone needs to read to get their breakthrough. So, go ahead, write the first sentence right now, then come back and share on this blog so I can read the sneak peek to your new book! Lesson 4: Don’t Be Afraid Of Their Faces! I remember my dad teaching me this scripture when I was a little girl. We both sang on Praise Team and I used to get so nervous to sing in front of people, but loved singing so much, especially with my dad. One day we were practicing and I began telling him how nervous I was to sing and he shared this scripture with me: “Be not afraid of their faces: for I am with thee to deliver thee, saith the LORD”. - Joshua 1:8. Whenever fear creeps in while I’m trying to make a decision or do something, and fear tells me What will they say, What will they think, I say to myself, Don’t be afraid of their faces. Stop letting the fear of they keep you from walking upright and doing what you know you’re called to do. Fear God, not man! Lesson 5: Study the Bible! See now, if reading that altered your facial expression or thoughts in anyway, go get your bible right now lol Many Christians know its important to read the Bible, but many are not consistent in studying the Bible. The Bible is like a textbook, meant to be read, studied, tested, and discussed. This year I’ve been studying the Bible more than I have in quite a while and every single time God reveals new things to me that I’m in need of in that very moment. The Bible is the Living Word of God. No matter how many times I’ve read Genesis 1:1, I gather something new each time, because God knows what we have need of, and has given us His Word to learn more about Him, people, ourselves, the enemy’s tactics, life, and His love for us. Turning 34 has really been a blessing to me. I’m growing up and enjoying this new age. I have many plans for this upcoming year, books, studies, tutorials….shhh I’ve shared too much 😉 Love, Vyse ❤️
September 2024
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